The stated on this website information on trading are to be understood neither as investment advice, nor as an advertisement or advice to trading in securities, derivatives, currencies, futures, CFDs, options or other financial instruments.
Only experienced traders should be active in these markets.

 The facts are researched to the best of our knowledge and conscience, but there is no guarantee for correctness, completeness or accuracy of the information.

 Predictions about price movements and profit are based on opinion of the author.

Imitation at your own risk. Good performance of an automated trading system in the past does not also have good safety performance in the future.

 Both automated and includes both manual trading on the above markets, both great opportunities as well as at least as large risks.

This can lead to a total loss of capital and additional debt.

 It is recommended to be from a bank or an investment adviser to advise on the risks.

 Liability for losses caused by use of indicators or Expert Advisors is excluded.

This applies particularly risky for negligent use by the user.

The user is advised to test the performance and reliability of the sold or offered for download free software before use, to certain price levels with certain parameters.

 As a further disruption of hazards add the Internet connection, particularly when delivering Software and in Trading Delays and Errors in Communication with the Broker.

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My Advice: Never Risk to much Money and Never use a High-Leverage.


Have Fun and Success.